If you own a new or used Chevrolet vehicle, it is good practice to be prepared for any road conditions when traveling from %%target_city1%% to Bartlett by learning when it is appropriate to use low gear. Read ahead to understand the how and when to use your car in low gear, then contact Biggers Chevrolet with any questions you may have.
By definition, low gear, or first gear, is the transmission configuration that produces the lowest vehicle speed relative to the engine in a manual or automatic transmission. It essentially means it is the gear that allows for the lowest speed while driving. While driving in low gear, the engine takes in less gasoline, which increases the torque. Many Streamwood drivers are unaware of when it is helpful to put your car into low gear, but there are times when it is beneficial to downshift into first gear that is easy to remember.
Most newer model cars come equipped with an automatic transmission, so they shift through the gears as you push the gas pedal automatically. There are several different scenarios where manually shifting into low gear is helpful:
Whether you are towing a boat or camper, exploring mountain driving, or off-roading, low gear will make it easier and cause minor potential damage to your vehicle.
Contact us today if you have any questions about when it is appropriate to use low gear, and our expert team will have the answers for you. Bring your vehicle in if it is time for a routine inspection, oil change, or you require significant repairs. Check out our service specials and set up a service appointment today!
When you need to tow up to 18 tons, the 2025 Chevy Silverado 3500 comes through for you on every task in Elgin. You have two engine choices, three-bed sizes, and three cab sizes to choose from to go along with four trims and several optional packages. The possibilities for customization are nearly limitless. …
The 2025 Chevy Silverado 2500 offers incredible performance and outstanding features in one exceptional truck. When you want more performance on your daily drives, turn to the 2025 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD. These models feature two powerful engine options and more capabilities to enjoy on all trips around Schaumburg and beyond. No matter where…
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